Dream and Leap believes passionately, and has proven repeatedly, that if you create the environment and establish the correct levels of trust and respect amongst people, that any conversation can be tabled;
that issues can be understood and that an improved way forward can be identified.
In addition to its core consultancy services Dream and Leap provide
specialist Equality and Diversity services to many of its clients including:
Interactive talks that offer insight into the complex world of equality and diversity.
Custom surveys that shine a light on the perception of under-represented groups.
Interactive talks designed to challenge and educate wider organisational mindsets.
Culture enhancing workshops that bring together under-represented groups.
Leadership development initiatives for under-represented groups.
Partnership in developing a strong organisational culture that values inclusion and diversity.

"Dream and Leap has an unrivalled ability for getting difficult topics out in the open, discussed in a respectful way, and in helping complex organisations develop an inclusive and representative workforce. There is no better partner for engaging an under-represented group of employees and in changing and organisation for the better."
Ronald Lungo, Retired Chair of the SW Black Police Association
As you get to know us more, you'll understand that coffee is an important part of who we are. Why not grab coffee with us sometime and discover how our services could help your company, your teams and your people.
Alternatively, drop us a line at info@dreamandleap.com,
we'd love to hear from you.