Becoming a rebel is the first decisive move you need to take to be more pirate, and all you have to do is pick a rule to break. You’ve got to be willing to replace a rule with something better. Be ready to cause good trouble, to pick at a few unfair edges, to question pointless or nonsensical rules, do exactly the opposite of what you’re told.
The greatest change makers know that confronting, questioning, obstructing, destroying, bending and breaking is a legitimate and useful way of creating change. They also know that you can’t get stuff done by breaking rules alone. You have to provide an alternative. You have to change the game to rewrite the rules.
Five key methods pirates practised are REBEL, REWRITE, REORGANISE, REDISTRIBUTE and RETELL. These are the fundamentals that underpin a mindset for creating change –
Stand up to the status quo
Bend, break and ultimately rewrite the rules
Collaborate to achieve scale rather than growth
Fight for fairness
Weaponize stories and tell the hell out of them
Pirates revel in escaping the suffocation of old rules to try their own stuff out. They didn’t just want to tear down the old order; they wanted to create something better, for themselves.
