Gravitas – the ability to carry yourself with authority, speak with confidence and influence others.
Knowledge + Purpose + Passion ( -Anxiety) = Gravitas.
Don’t overdo things with an overly flashy performance. Don’t hide behind a script. Get your thinking clear. Find stillness and calm. Pay more attention to others than to yourself. Focus on serving a bigger purpose. Keep things simple. Allow who you are to shine through… trust that it is enough. When a person finds their gravitas and expresses it in a way that resonates with others, their success comes from simply being ‘who they are’.
The Seven Principles of Gravitas:
Know yourself: develop a finely tuned sense of self-awareness.
Teach people how to treat you: operate from a position of calm authority and confidence - earn people’s respect.
Find your voice: speak with originality and clarity.
Speak so others listed: speak with impact, authority & power.
Win hearts and minds: to have influence, inspire and engage.
Keep an open mind and a level head: suspend judgement when presented with opinions different to your own. Be open to learning from others.
Get results: prepare, focus, execute.
