LAW 18: Fight for the first five seconds
No matter the medium, you must earn the right to the attention you’re seeking within those first five seconds - because attention might just be the most generous gift that anyone can give.
In marketing, business and sales, your success often depends on just five seconds. If you get those five seconds right, you’ll succeed. If you don’t, you’ll fail.
For some reason, most stories delivered are still horrifically boring but when a storyteller understands that nobody – absolutely nobody – cares about them as much as they care about themselves, they tell captivating, emotional, punchy stories that you have no choice but to commit your undivided attention to every word they say.
If you want your story to be heard, you must aggressively, passionately and provocatively design those first five seconds to be thumb-stoppingly compelling, annoyingly magnetic
or emotionally engaging.
